Saturday, July 30, 2011

stiri din Republica Moldova

Monica Gabor s-a prezentat marti la Tribunalul Bucuresti unde s-a rejudecat custodia micutei Irina. Desi pe treptele judecatoriei Moni s-a tinut tare, in fata completului acesteia i s-a facut rau, fiind la un pas sa lesine.
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twinkle twinkle little star

Care este cel mai nepopular video de pe YouTube?

Cel mai nepopular video de pe youtube nu exista... aproape orice video de pe youtube este popular. Totusi, daca insisti si cauti pe youtube "cel mai nepopular video", s-ar putea sa primesti ceva raspunsuri. Gradina lui Dumnezeu e mare. 
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stirbei Voda... black and white

hanging out

If you believe in `our client, our master` ...

... it’s time to change your way of thinking. The still on going global crisis relativized the trade practices and changed the roles. Now everybody is moving from a business partnership to another, looking for cheaper services. At least theoretically…

Thus, if you look more carefully around you, at your daily relationships with the cashier at the Subway, with the train controller, with the painter and more recently with the service providers whom you hired to help you grow your business, you will clearly see that they have a detached air of superiority. Obviously, at least theoretically…

This gives them a meaningful wise idea about the fact that you’ll leave them anyway for another service provider working in the same branch. And why do not they just be wiser than that, and do not stress themselves anymore with loyalty programs and a respectful behavior, at least theoretically?  

And so they are, because you don’t choose anymore best recommended services, but the service providers accept only recommended clients, as the courtesans did in the Middle Age. So, even if practically we are tempted to secure our money, our financial stability and our comfortable future, continuing to believe in this false idea of `our client, our master`, theoretically the paying guy as only a marionette for satisfying the providers’ pseudo-elitist habits.   

And since everybody behaves from theory that has been read in glossy magazines, I certainly think it’s time also for us to become more theoretical in order to face reality: we are not masters anymore, looking for services, but services are choosing our money only with special recommendations.